Assessing the Need for School Clinic During an Outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria

Author Details

OLOWOLAFE Abiodun Samuel, OYEBADE Omolade Oluwaseun, ADEMUYIWA Yewande, OLOWO Busuyi Francis

Journal Details


Published: 6 January 2021 | Article Type :


School clinic provides the strongest pillar for academic activities and it strengthen health care system of the nation. This study was to assessing the need for school clinic during an outbreak of covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The target populations of study were students of primary and secondary school in Nigeria. A descriptive of non-experimental survey approach was used to select hundred (100) respondents using convenience non-probability sampling technique. Assessing the Impacts of the School Clinic on Academic Performance on Selected Secondary Schools (AISCAPS) questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. Tables of Frequency and percentage scores were used to describe data findings while the research questions were analyzed. The findings showed that treatment that the students received in school clinic promote their academic performance (71%), drugs stocked in the school clinic cupboard are used for immediate treatment of emergency situation (66%), and drugs were available for sick students for effective teaching and learning process (66%). The result also showed that students gained access to a good source of health information (59%), students’ concords that health needs influence their academic performance (57%), and the students who stayed in good physical health (59%). The study equally showed that the students utilized the school clinic for an illness (78%), students received adequate health information from the school clinic (75%). The study recommended that government should ensure establishment of school clinic in all government school both in rural and urban area and government should ensure regulation standard of school clinic.

Keywords: School, clinic, school clinic, academic, performance and secondary schools.

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How to Cite


OLOWOLAFE Abiodun Samuel, OYEBADE Omolade Oluwaseun, ADEMUYIWA Yewande, OLOWO Busuyi Francis. (2021-01-06). "Assessing the Need for School Clinic During an Outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria." *Volume 3*, 2, 8-18